05 January 2010


I have been challenged (in a good way!) by Don Miller's (Blue Like Jazz) recent blogs about not making New Year's resolutions but instead deciding to live a better story.

This new year was of more consequence to me than others, I actually officially moved back into my parents' home on new years day. for once, this new year really means a new start.

now, i could sit here and make a list of things i want to do (like work out more, save some money) and not do (drink so much caffeine, eat junk food). or, i could decide to rather live my life with a purpose.

stories are defined by their characters. a character is someone who wants something and goes through conflict to get it. so, i suppose it has more to do with one's mindset. i can decide to do certain things because of obligation, or i can chose to do things as part of a bigger picture: living a good story.

all of our checklists will mean nothing later in life unless they are leading to much higher goals and bigger purposes.

you could lose all kinds weight, save all kinds of money and still be living for absolutely nothing. some of the happiest people i know have nothing, but theirs lives are rich in purpose.

what really matters in this life?

i have found, from a searching of scripture and my limited personal experience, that it's simple. simple, but not easy.

to live engaged in an active relationship with god. learning to let his values become yours, learning to see people through his eyes and treating them as he would. to enjoy your life, to not waste your time in vain trying to get ahead, but to let go and live. treasure the things in life that really matter, and don't let material things get the best of you. look at sunsets, go on trips with your friends, hug your family.

life is so short. let's make it something worth looking back on.

1 thoughts:

Tammy@Fear Not said...

Like you mentioned, something worth looking back on would be good relationship with HIM AND those HE brings in our life (family and friends)! Happy New Start!